
Thinking of sponsoring WordCamp Orange County?

Sponsors are a big part of every WordCamp.  It helps foot the bill for the event and keep the ticket prices down.  Ready to sponsor us? Go to the Buy Tickets page and purchase a Sponsorship Package. If you are thinking of sponsoring this year, we thank you for giving back to the WordPress community and here’s how we can help you in return:

The Sweet Sponsorship for $250 includes:

  • a 125×50 badge in the sidebar under the Our Sponsors header
  • a tweet thanking you for your sponsorship
  • a thank you message in a newsletter blast
  • add your twitter account on our twitter feed’s Sponsors 2011 list
  • 1 ticket to this year’s WordCamp

The Awesome Sponsorship for $500 includes:

  • a 125×125 badge in the sidebar under the Our Sponsors header
  • a tweet thanking you for your sponsorship
  • a thank you message in a newsletter blast
  • add your twitter account on our twitter feed’s Sponsors 2011 list
  • a blog post about you/your company
  • opportunity to place stickers and literature at the registration table*
  • 2 tickets to this year’s WordCamp

The Stoked Sponsorship for $1000 includes:

  • a 250×250 badge in the sidebar under the Our Sponsors header
  • a tweet thanking you for your sponsorship
  • a thank you message in a newsletter blast
  • include your badge in all future newsletter blasts
  • add your twitter account on our twitter feed’s Sponsors 2011 list
  • a blog post about you/your company
  • opportunity to place stickers and literature at the registration table*
  • 4 tickets to this year’s WordCamp

Custom Sponsorship Package

If you are looking for something else not listed above, please feel free to contact us and present your offer.  The point is to give back to the WordPress community, so we’re happy to work with you to achieve this end.


We’ll be holding a raffle at the end of the day.  If you have WordPress related items you’d like us to give away, we’d be pumped.  If you send us giveaways, we’ll be sure to mention you in the newsletter at the event and on the site with a blog post.  Contact us for more info.

If we have any sponsorship capitol left over after the event, we’ll sponsor other nearby WordCamps on your behalf and direct them back to the sponsors page.

*Stickers and literature to be provided by the sponsor

3 Responses to Sponsors

  1. Love the speaker lineup so far! Keep it up and thanks. Can’t wait to fill my brain…

  2. Jeff says:

    Frankly, we’ll never say no to dollars. But the sooner you get your sponsorship in, the more exposure time you’ll have on the site. But you can purchase a sponsorship in the ticketing page.

  3. Nicolas Luna says:

    When is the last day to register to be a sponspor? and how can we pay?



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